Medal of Rekt R/CC edition More than 7 years ago I joined crypto world community and this subreddit. I have witnessed countless balls-kicking and backstabbing events, dumps that made a history. Everytime we survive such event, we get back stronger and better eventually enjoy promised greenland even more. Thats what make crypto so resilient Read more…

Reddit is “sunsetting” community points, we’ve been working on a fully P2P Reddit alternative that uses smart contracts for community names and usernames for 2 years.

We have 4 demos (new reddit UI) (image board UI) (minimalist, less bloated UI) (old reddit UI, in development, most buttons dont work) We’ve received a $5,000 grant from Protocol Labs. We also received over $15,000 in several gitcoin grants in the last 2 years. Our protocol Read more…