🩵 AMA with Bitget Wallet on 12pm, March 29th (UTC)! Surfing the Crypto Wave: Unlocking Bitget Wallet’s Biggest Rewards of 2024 🏄🌊

https://preview.redd.it/jcg0e48ntuqc1.png?width=2401&format=png&auto=webp&s=0acf896b1be65aa11919276c91f853590db4e4e7 Hey there, r/CryptoCurrency community! The Bitget Wallet team is excited to announce that we’ll have the privilege of hosting an AMA here on March 29th, 12pm (UTC). We’ll be delving deep into Bitget Wallet and its evolution through the years! We also have a massive ongoing airdrop campaign for Read more…

r/CryptoCurrency will be hosting an AMA with Cathie Wood of Ark Invest as well as Ophelia Snyder and Hany Rashwan of 21 Shares on March 28th – 11AM EST, 3PM UTC”

We’re excited to share that r/CryptoCurrency will be hosting an AMA with Cathie Wood of Ark Invest as well as Ophelia Snyder and Hany Rashwan of 21 Shares on March 28th – 11AM EST, 3PM UTC. https://preview.redd.it/btzz3madbqqc1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0094e41c7c20c387f9ea0538dd3c800e8b3bf7b Tweet here: https://twitter.com/21shares_us/status/1772690112658239732?t=FWBRfnwns-jQ9SUzZxiQMQ&s=19 AMA will be posted later. submitted by /u/GabeSter [link] [comments]